Create a new Model Account

Submit your candidacy
& Apply for a Model Account

Submit Model Candidacy

Identity Information

Tell us about who you are so we can draft your model profile and create your account.

Contact Informations

Where are you from and how can we contact you ?

Physical Informations

Tell us more about your body features.

Prior Experience in the Industry

Please answer to any question you find relevant.

Health Informations

Please answer any question you find relevant.

Sexual Preferences Informations

Please answer what you would consent to sexually and find exciting.

Sexual Preferences Informations (More)

The following questions will help us in matching you best with other performers.


We are in a visual industry, upload pictures that best represent you. Please try to have at least a full frontal and full rear one.

Your Links & Social Media Handles

This section is quite self-explanatory.

Other Informations

Wrapping up, is there anything else you'd like us to know ?

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You look so young !

are you over 18 ?